Sunday, December 21, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Just not on the roads anymore please. :-) I hope everyone is staying warm with all of these winter storms we've been having lately!

We're visiting with family for Christmas and these are the type of photos you'll get when you leave me in the car for too long when I'm not driving. I think they look kinda cool.

Website update: I'm almost done updating all of the portfolios with a bunch of new photos. Once I get this done I'll be releasing my new and improved website! I think you're going to like it.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Lots and lots of work....

being done on redoing my website. The weather outside is cold and icky so I will be working on my website this weekend. I've got a ton of new photos that I will be adding (it's been a busy summer and fall) not to mention a link to my new blog. :-)

I suppose I should do some chores around the house this weekend too - even though that's not nearly as much fun as updating my website and having fun with the photos.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Kersey & Kasey

It's that time again -- Holiday photo time for my dear friend Becky. Her and her hubby were feeling shy this year so we just took photos of the boys. ;-) I'll make sure we take photos with the whole family next summer while its warm and dry!!

These are some of my favorite images from the session - I hope Becky likes them! I think she will. ;)

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Alli came by to do a job shadow as part of her photography class homework. I had a photo session scheduled and she came to see me in action. I put her to work a little bit with the reflector but I also snapped a few images of her too. Hopefully you'll see more of Alli next year for her senior photos.

Monday, December 1, 2008


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! Justin - my oldest son came for a visit. We relaxed, had fun, ate too much, went to the coast, watched movies (saw the new James Bond flick - a must see if you like James Bond at all!) and just enjoyed having him here again. The boys think they need to look "tough" in the photos.

While Justin was here we went across the river to Camas and spent the day with my friend & colleague Debbie practicing new lighting techniques and posing. We made all the kids model for us like they were siblings. McKinsey (Debbie's daughter) was the only girl with Cody (my youngest), Justin and Kersey (Cody's best friend). What a motley crew they are but each one is a great model and fun to be around.

Here are just a few images from our Thanksgiving Holiday. I hope your holiday was everything you wanted it to be and more!